Introducing the Rhythm Reverie

Morgan Statt
2 min readOct 10, 2021


Personal essays dedicated to the songs that define my memories

Photo courtesy of Unsplash (Mink Mingle)

Call it a quarter-life crisis or a mental unraveling, but something was shaken inside me when I recently read this quote:

“Pay attention to what you pay attention to.” — Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Like everyone else, the pandemic made me question what I actually am passionate about, what I truly enjoy paying attention to.

2020 was a blur of endless hours working from home and nights alone on my couch, a glass of wine in hand as I mindlessly binged whatever show was making waves in the Zeitgeist. I didn’t have a hobby or a pastime that was rooted in what I actually cared about.

But as I paid more attention to what I pay attention to, there was one thing that stood out above the rest. Music.

Now, I know that there is nothing groundbreaking or unique about claiming music as my source of joy. I think you’d have to be a bit sociopathic to not be drawn to a melody.

But music to me is much more than just enjoyable sounds. It’s the constant companion, the one source of comfort and support as I ride the spectrum of human emotions.

With these forthcoming personal essays I’ve gently coined The Rhythm Reverie, I plan to share one song at a time and the specific memory that’s tied to it.

At the very least I hope you, dear reader, get introduced to a song that strikes a chord within you.

And at the most, I hope it serves as a reminder that we’re not alone in our experiences. That perhaps music is what truly connects us all.

The reverie of a yet-to-be-determined Song #1 coming soon.

